Children Ministry
Children's Ministry
Our Ministry
Welcome to the 2:52 KIDZ Ministry of Real Life Christian Church! Are you leading a child through the exciting, noisy, and constantly changing journey called childhood? If so, 2:52 KIDZ is here for you! Our name comes from the Bible verse Luke 2:52 which tells us “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”. We want the same for your child. Our well qualified volunteers value each child and appreciate the opportunity to share God’s Word in age-appropriate fun ways. We offer a secure check in system in our separate children’s area. We are committed to sharing God’s love in an inviting atmosphere! We’d love to share with your family in this exciting ministry!

Birth to 3 years
Our nursery offers a safe place for your little ones to play while you enjoy the service. We use text messaging to allow us to contact you in the event that you are needed right away. The nursery is also connected to a private bathroom to allow workers to help assist the older toddlers who may be starting to potty train. Nursery aged children are checked in and placed in the nursery before the service.
3 years (potty trained) to Kindergarten
Our lively preschool curriculum is age appropriate, interactive, and fun. Three basic truths are emphasized: God loves me, God made me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. They will enjoy time with friends and begin to build a biblical spiritual foundation. Preschoolers are checked in at the Welcome Desk and escorted to class by volunteers. A name tag is put on each child and the parent has a matching tag for use at pick up.
1st grade to 5th grade
Our elementary kids are checked in prior to worship and given a name tag at the Welcome Center. Parents are given a matching tag for use at pick up at the Welcome Center. Through age-appropriate activities three valuable Bible lessons are taught in multi-sensory ways. These concepts include: (1) Wisdom: I need to make the wise choice, (2) Faith: I can trust God no matter what, and (3) Friendship: I should treat others the way I want to be treated. We have a great environment for active learning and look forward to serving your family.